A result of a 6 week residency with Council. I created a interactive Light installation. A simple A frame with lights was created. People can change the colours of the lights and choose from 5 different patterns.
The aim was to create an artwork that is dynamic and changeable by people.
A great way of avoiding Food Waste is freezing perishables. They might not hold the same shape but can be used in many things. Visitors were asked to reflect on the possibilities by completing the following phrase for thei choice of ingredient :
" I could have ended up in the Bin,
But instead I ended up in ___________ "
Their phrase would be then be projected on to the floating frame for everyone else to see along with phrases from other participants.
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Integer a massa tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc auctor enim sem, scelerisque lobortis leo euismod eu. Nunc in sem at nunc dapibus imperdiet. Morbi porttitor elit velit, quis dignissim velit varius eget.